All Townies buy meat from the Supermarket, never thinking that the animal has been killed and flensed for consumption. How about Halal meat, it's throat cut as they say a prayer over it ! Wow.!
A Rural living person sees the damage done by Feral animals and wild animals. Lambs being born are grabbed by a Fox and in doing so blind the lamb. Eleven lams blinded in one night out of 80 born! Ever seen a grown man cry as he had to kill those lambs.
Rats, eating through and despoiling stored food, potatoes and grain. You can smell them! Pigeons who need at least 1lb of green stuff to survive a frosty night. There are thousands of them roosting in the woods alongside the fields of cabbage and Oil seed Rape. That fat little rabbit, eats the tops off the beetroot and carrots and ring barks the small trees you plant.
Wild meat is cholesterol free by the way, only domestic animals have cholesterol in them. Beef and Chicken injected with hormones and Antibiotics. Salmonella is rife on farms and even Supermarket chickens wrapped up are contaminated.
One should look at ones own life style before condemning another's way of living, in Kenya I lived off the land, Fish, Guinea Fowl etc, I did swop Impala for Veal at the cattle farm. One was to get rid of the Impala and the other the Farmer wanted a change of meat. The veal was from male calves. that they did not want just like they do not want Cockerels in chicken farming that then become food for pet snakes etc.
Really, get a life lads, a nice roast Pheasant, or a Parrtidge casserole are lovely.