The box hedge at the side of my drive has been infested with the caterpillar, so it had to go. I want to get the roots ground out, but thought I’d better check where the water pipe is first. I know where it comes up in the garage, and I dug the trench straight to the stop tap in the pavement over 30 years ago, so draw a straight line, and Robert is your mother’s brother. There is no sign of the stop tap in the pavement. All my neighbours have one, and I used to because I’ve used it in the past. However, since the council re-tarmacked the bi of pavement outside my house there is no sign of the stop tap. Contacted United Utilities. It seems that since they are no longer allowed to turn your water off if you don’t pay they no longer maintain stop taps, and don’t care if the council tarmac over them, so of course as it’s easier, the council just take off the cast iron access lid and cover it all over.
If there is a leak between the main and my stop tap I am responsible to get a plumber, dig down to the pipe (how do I find it?) and get it repaired. How would I know, we’re on sandy soil, so a small leak would just drain away. They used to be able to put one of their listening rods on the tap and hear if there was flow. What nonsense.