After building traction engines, hit and miss engines, and other model engineering projects I thought I would give a Flame Licker engine a go so I got a set of castings for the Anthony Mount Stockport engine, it turned out that the engine was a straight forward build, getting it to run was another matter and more than once I asked myself "why am I doing this" I have now got the engine running but I had to make some changes, I couldn't get a seal with the graphite flame valve I made a new one from stainless steel, did away with the bottom pushrod bearing which stopped the push rod from sticking when it got hot, Timing the engine for me was learning curve, after a lot of trial and error I finally got it timed and it was no way near where I thought it should be. Turning the taper on column using boring head and a homemade live centre
Edited By MichaelR on 16/12/2018 11:11:49