Thank you for the photos and link Anders. What you have built for your hot cap is what I have in mind to build for my engine although mine will be longer (same length as the glass tube). It was suggested to me that I use the stainless steel tubing that comes with the solar powered garden lights but I think this is far too thin. I have a piece of stainless steel tubing from Tonkin Steel but it has a 1.6mm thick wall ; I am thinking of reducing the thickness at the end down to about 1mm by putting it in the lathe. I only have to do this for the last 3cm where it makes contact with the flame. I should be able to do this in my lathe if I take it slow and just shave off a bit at a time.
Once that is done, the stainless steel tube will be fitted to a brass collar, similar to yours, using JB WELD. Then a brass cap will be fitted into the flame end, also using JB WELD. Because I am only using a metho burner, the JB WELD should be able to withstand the heat generated.
Anyway, that's the plan but we all know what happens to plans !
Edited By Brian John on 05/04/2016 02:11:00