After sorting out the problem with that airleak around the O ring I decided to restore the power piston to its original position ie. two turns closer to TDC. After I had done this, I put the flame on and began oiling all moving parts. I was only moving the flywheel very slowly and it started to run………..Success ……sort of !
On the first run, the glass tube blew off after about 60 seconds. This is a video of the second run ; the engine will only run for about 4 minutes before it stops. I suspect that, being another very hot day, too much heat is being transferred to the power cylinder.
Possible solutions are ;
1. Make a cork gasket so that the glass tube can seat up gainst this rather than being pressed firmly onto the end of the D. cylinder. This might interfere with the good seal I now have on the O ring.
2. Make a cork or paper gasket to fit between the base of the D. Cylinder and the cylinder holders (frames). I am leaning towards this idea at the moment.
Anyway, we are nearly there. I was quite shocked when it started to run by itself …I was not expecting it at all. Tomorrow I may give it a go with a tealight candle before trying to make those gaskets.
Edited By Brian John on 26/02/2016 05:53:49