I put in a new crank pin and things are not twisting now ; the old pin must have been slightly bent. I spent an hour assembling the engine and another hour trying to get it to work…no luck ! So I have joined the ROYAL CLUB OF FAILED STIRLING ENGINE BUILDERS. Do I get a certificate or something ?
It is not as freewheeling as it should be and the problem is on the displacement piston side. It will only turn over two revolutions by hand ; we should be aiming for five revolutions according to the instructions. I will think about it tonight and try a few things tomorrow. Friction may not be the only problem and I have slightly larger diameter displacement pistons which can be substituted.
It does look good though. I really thought it might work …very frustrating !
NOTE : I think the engine needs to be 20mm higher to have the glass tube in the hottest point of the flame. I did try that but it did not help. If I mount the whole thing on a larger base in the future then I will take this into account.

Edited By Brian John on 13/02/2016 06:39:55
Edited By Brian John on 13/02/2016 06:40:39
Edited By Brian John on 13/02/2016 06:40:57
Edited By Brian John on 13/02/2016 06:42:03
Edited By Brian John on 13/02/2016 06:44:17
Edited By Brian John on 13/02/2016 06:44:58
Edited By Brian John on 13/02/2016 06:48:32