Many Matchmakers with Posidata stepper motor controls in industry back in the '70s, along with Bridgeports with (IIRC) the "Boss" stepper motor control. Acton & Beaver used the Posidata system as well. These used 1/2 step drivers so pretty coarse by modern standards, yet I saw those machines making aircraft & turbine parts and used in goverment research departments.
I took ptenty of those systems off & replaced them with Heidenhain controls & DC servo drive sytems (SEM motors & Indramat amplifiers) in the mid-'80s to mid '90s in a previous employment.. I don't recall anyone commenting on improved surface finish after the conversions, which were usually done to gain reliability and improve useability. Going closed loop with a measuring system & not having to deal with lost steps was also an advantage.
Doing such retrofits died the death when the smaller capacity machines that usually had the stepper motor controls got cheaper new (like Bridgeport Interacts & Spanish/Taiwanese imports) & the cost of the conversions rose over time, so it no longer made financial sense to retrofit an old machine.
Nigel B