Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 15/04/2019 16:30:
The reason I ask is because I traced both ENABLE and RESET pins to a RC net that will hold both pins low until Vm and Vdd stabilize…
I don't think that's the issue. The datasheet clearly states that the power supplies need to be sequenced, VDD first and then VMA/B on power up and vice versa for power down. The control inputs need to be low as well during power up, for which an RC circuit might help. But the RCs don't solve the problem of power supply sequencing.
Getting the power sequence wrong, mat have no effect, it may result in incorrect operation, or it might fudge the IC. The datasheet talks about internal parasitic diodes and how they are used. I expect that powering up in the wrong sequence causes uncontrolled currents to flow in the parasitic components, which may, or may not, let out the magic smoke.