I connected up the step down adjustable module (the 99p one) to my 12V power supply and thence to the screwdriver powering the filing machine and on reducing the output voltage to 4V achieved the desired 80 strokes per minute. After 10 minutes continuous running, there was no discernible strain on the motor and no discernible heat from it either. There was plenty of power for filing in as much that it was not possible to stall it. I have no idea what current is being drawn except that it is more than 500mA. I will discover that when my new meter arrives. The processor on the module does get pretty warm which is probably not good… but is ok with a block of mild steel on it as a heat sink!
I think I shall lash out and buy a 10 amp PWM module for £2.50 or thereabouts whereupon, hopefully, there should be no problems at all. The contributions to this thread have been really interesting but often over my head I am afraid but I hope that it will have been of some use to others.