Posted by noel shelley on 19/05/2023 10:32:06:
… And all for the want of a boiler ? Noel.
I often think the boiler is the most difficult part of a steam engine. In comparison the engine itself is relatively straightforward.
A large dangerous pressure vessel, full of tubes, prone to corrode and fill with mud, lots of joints to leak, access for cleaning and inspection needed, plus many gauges and external pipework, and a white-hot firebox.
Marine boilers are more difficult than locomotive boilers too. They usually work at higher pressure and with much more attention to fuel economy. Likely the furnace is blown, directly or by pressuring the whole engine room.
Having to replacing a marine boiler probably means its condenser is done as well, another expensive item. And then fitting new boilers often requires cutting large holes in the ship so they can be dropped in with a crane. Many other potential complications, such as an older vessel full of asbestos insulation, or the structure under the boiler is corroded. Generally a new maritime boiler means a full-refit, or close to it. £M