Steam motorbike anyone?


Steam motorbike anyone?

Home Forums Suggested Online Resources Steam motorbike anyone?

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  • #186356

      Interesting but I can't see meself trading in my GSX-R for it! dont know


        David Colwill

          I should get one. It seems to go at the same pace as my workshop projects crook


            Project and a half yes at least it won't suffer from carb icing smiley , I'll stick with my 2 stroke "Kettle" though..

            John Stevenson 1

              Still faster than the average Quorn build wink

              Bob Unitt 1

                There was a steam motorbike used to do the rounds of the vintage shows, I saw it a couple of times. Can't remember the details though.


                  All a lot of fun — until the safety's start lifting!

                  Interesting, using copper tube and compression fittings for steam. Looks like it runs some reasonable pressure too. 5 bar or so, I think from what I can make out on the gauges.

                  Dave Daniels
                    Posted by Bob Unitt 1 on 14/04/2015 11:20:44:

                    There was a steam motorbike used to do the rounds of the vintage shows, I saw it a couple of times. Can't remember the details though.

                    Maybe this one ? Been at some VMCC functions.


                    Jesse Hancock 1
                      I guess he had to draw the line at a bike since a real train running on the road might crease the tarmac a bit.

                        Certainly, a flash boiler seems a somewhat more sensible choice for a motorbike. The Dutch one is a seriously impractical "look at me" indulgence rather than an engineering proposition. Must have taken years to build and I can't begin to understand the motivation beyond that.

                        Tim Stevens

                          It seems to have only one crank – even the Rocket had two, for serious practical reasons. And I don't want it behind me – there appears to be only one brake, a diminutive band brake on the front wheel, with an ill-considered torque arm on the front swinging arm.

                          5 mph seems plenty to me. Too fast, probably …

                          Cheers, Tim

                          Neil Wyatt

                            One ME from the 80s (I think) featured a Bavarian road-steamer put together in the broad outline of a railway loco.


                            Bob Unitt 1
                              Posted by Dave Daniels on 14/04/2015 16:37:04:

                              Posted by Bob Unitt 1 on 14/04/2015 11:20:44:

                              There was a steam motorbike used to do the rounds of the vintage shows, I saw it a couple of times. Can't remember the details though.


                              Maybe this one ? Been at some VMCC functions.


                              Thanks – that's the one it worked well, and made a fascinating noise.


                              ETA : Found some video of it

                              Edited By Bob Unitt 1 on 15/04/2015 09:52:04

                              thomas oliver 2

                                Many moons ago, there was an article in the ME mag re a New Yorker who renovated a small twin cylinder steam engine and fitted it in a quadricycle with motor cycle wheels. He took it out into the New York traffic. When he stopped at the first lights the other drivers were shouting comments like "where did you get the big rollerskate". The laugh was on them as when the lights changed, they were out dragged easily to the next lights.


                                  In the northern Portugal, Barcelos, steam motor bike ***HERE*** and ***HERE*** .
                                  The same gentleman with his steam motor bike near my home ***HERE***.

                                  Dias Costa

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