Thanks Paul!
There is a gap of somewhere around .010", so I think I'm more or less on track. Ah – just re-read your post. No there will be no gap in the cylinder (or not much. They were sized to be a close fit. There is a gap around what you said when out of the bore. I did think of taking a little off the gap as a first step, so that's encouraging.
Is 460 bearing oil way Oil? I have that and some gear oil. I will be running this on air for the moment (discussions of boilers will come later!) and have an air oiler.
I've followed Jason's suggestion and removed the rings for now (breaking one and twisting the other – may need a re-do).
Somewhere in the next two or three hours I will be popping out to the shed and applying some compressed air. I have NO IDEA what will happen. If anything moves at all, I will call it a success and retire with a glass of something.
I will leave this post with the machine assembled and ready to play.

You will see that there are still a few bits which are not perfect (most obviously the eccentric rod bearing), but I'm pretty pleased with how it has turned out.
So if you find this is my last post in this thread because the damnable thing won't run, I will pretend it was intended as a work of art all along and not a working machine. Surely the Tate modern will pay a fortune for a complex piece of machinery which doesn't quite work – a metaphor for modern society, perhaps?