As far as I can determine, both our NI No.s have different dates attached to them, eg my pay day is different to hers, and to be fair this has always been reflected in the different days it arrives in our accounts. In addition, her pay day appears to be at least a week behind mine, but all seems to work out ok in the end.
Yes, because of our birthdates, we both get the lower rate of state pension. Also, in both instances we had to pay extra to get the maximum we were entitled to because we didn't have the requisite no. of years. Wasn't much, and I can't remember how much, just the four or so cheapest years out of what was missing. Piece of cake really. 'Er indoors of course got allowances for having produced 3 children over 30 + years.
Rules and regulations seem unfathomable at times, but as long as we get it, I'm not too bothered. And let's face it, the important point is when it arrives in our account – the letters really aren't that important other than confirmation of what we are about to receive. And when.
So, once a again, thanks for the responses. At least I now know I'm not alone in possibly late receipt.
Peter G. Shaw