When you first posted the question I did try and think of something that would suit the purpose, but I failed. Having seen the picture of the drums and pins I can see the nature of the problem. (and the quality of your work!)
I suppose if the grinding system took extremely light cuts you might get away with unsupported pins, but it would be a very slow process.
One avenue of material that might be worth investigating is to coat the drum in a layer of 'Pollyfilla' or some other gypsum based product. No heat is involved and it would hold the pins rigid whilst being easy to grind away (bit messy though). I am not sure how you would remove it after grinding (unless it could be dissolved in some way).
Out of interest, do you drill and insert the pins manually using the grid lines as a guide?
Some of the pins have a very close horizontal spacing, presumably that must be much less than the spacing of the tines. How does that work?
Ian P