Here's a question for anyone who has built the reversing gear for the ST #5A engine. On the plans I have (issue date 15 Jan 1969) there is an item, listed as #3, which for the life of me I can't see where it fits. It's a 3/16' dia rod 2 7/16" long, threaded at one end 2 BA for 1/4" and at the other turned down to 5/32 for 1/2" and threaded 4 BA for 3/16". There is also a 2 BA thread 1/4" long just above the turned down part on the 3/16" dia. Does anyone know where it fits? (It's probably staring me in the face). It's definitely not the valve rod as that is 5/16" dia. and 5 9/16" long.