ST #5A Reverse Gear


ST #5A Reverse Gear

Home Forums Stationary engines ST #5A Reverse Gear

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  • #3365
    John Purdy
      John Purdy

        Here's a question for anyone who has built the reversing gear for the ST #5A engine. On the plans I have (issue date 15 Jan 1969) there is an item, listed as #3, which for the life of me I can't see where it fits. It's a 3/16' dia rod 2 7/16" long, threaded at one end 2 BA for 1/4" and at the other turned down to 5/32 for 1/2" and threaded 4 BA for 3/16". There is also a 2 BA thread 1/4" long just above the turned down part on the 3/16" dia. Does anyone know where it fits? (It's probably staring me in the face). It's definitely not the valve rod as that is 5/16" dia. and 5 9/16" long.


        John Olsen

          Some of the Stuart engines use a rod to retain the reversing handle in the desired position, It attaches to (with a pivot) one corner of the valve chest and has a screw with a cross hole in it to grip on it at the reversing lever, and a small knob on the end to stop the reversing lever going too far. An alternative arrangement would use an arm with a slot in it.


          John Purdy


            Thanks John but I don't think that is what this is as there are no other parts to go with it detailed. The method used to hold the reversing lever it place in these drawings is a slotted link pivoted on the corner of the valve chest with a screw through the link into the reversing lever and done up with a knurled nut to hold the lever in position (parts # 8, 12, and 13 on these drawings).


            John Purdy

              I think I have figured out what it is. It's an extended valve chest stud to hold the slotted link for the reverse lever. Thanks to everyone for baring with me.


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