I want to make a circuit with 2 switches such that one switch turns the output on, and the second turns it off. A square wave output. Once it's on, switch 1 should have no further effect, similarly switch 2 shouldn't have any effect once its turned off. This is easy enough, if that's all I wanted I'd use a couple of NAND gates, but I then want a second square wave at half frequency. What I've come up with is to use a 4013 dual d type flip flop, attach the switches to the set and reset of one with data and clock gounded and then use one of the outputs to clock the second flip flop which would have Q- connected to Data and set/reset grounded. Is this likely to work? I'll use FETs to get some output capability. The 4013 has the advantage that I've got one, and it's not too fussy about voltage. I've tried to post the schematic
Edited By duncan webster on 22/03/2018 05:23:57
Edited By duncan webster on 22/03/2018 05:26:46