I am in need of some help in working out which type of spur gear i need. ive trawled the internet for some basic info on spur gears but it rapidly gets very technical and gets its very frustrating with all the different types there are.
My Milling table has a small gear box which uses spur gears to drive the gear box –
the ratios are
34/14 = 1/2" per min
29/19 = 3/4" per min
24/24 = 1 1/4" per min
19/29 = 1 7/8" per min
14/34 = 3' per min
I only have the 34/14 ratio so i'm looking to get the 29, 24 (x2) and a 19 toothed spur gears.
The centre between the spindles is 61mm (2.375" – 2 3/8ths) approx.
Can some one please advise which type of spur gear I will need and what are the crucial dimensions I should be looking for.