So I drilled the sole plate and box bed on the 10V, and tried spot-facing with a slot drill. It didn't work very well. The sequence was:
1) Align bed and plate, clamp down and calculate middle of assembly and co-ordinates of the holes.
2) Centre drill (shallow cut) each hole in turn (using DROs to get the centres).
3) Tapping drill through both components (using DROs to get the centres).
4) Set depth stop, and drill clearance holes in sole plate (using DROs to get the centres).
5) Re-set depth stop, and spot face the holes (using DROs to get the centres).
I set the DROs to the same co-ordiantes for each hole, to an indicated 0.01mm, and had no issue with the drilling or tapping processes being off-centre. The co-ordinates also matched the cast-in detents very well.
As you can see, none of the spot faces are concentric; if anything they are all displaced outwards approximately diagonally from the centre of the casting. The concentricity error would easily have been picked up on the DROs, so I assume it must be tool deflection.

Fortunately, I erred on the side of caution, and despite them just accomodating the point-point diameter of the nuts (had they been right), the spot faces are a bit too small, so I can correct them. I'll try making a spot facing tool as per Neil's suggestion (although I've no idea exactly how to make and harden the tools!).