I can't resit not chucking in my threppence worth any longer.
My personal opinion is that language is there to convey information. It works best if it holds the readers attension not merely by it's content but by it's style. Mere technical correctness does not do it for me and there are many instances where forming sentences in a technically correct fashion comes across as ugly. To use a clock making analogy, chapter rings using roman numerals always form the 4 as IIII and not IV as it balances the width of the 8 being VIII.
It's not technically correct but in that instance it looks nicer.
Dropping the odd formal word into sentences can also feel ugly. I personally would not write the word commence unless it suited the entire sentence. 'Let proceedings commence' sounds OK, but I commenced the project with the cylinder casting doesn't fit somehow. It's a kind of change of voice half way through a line that does it I suppose so that the text seems to jarr or lose its flow.
I think it fitting that the passive voice is used to describe a standard proceedure where all reference to the individual is removed and the process alone is described. This approach can however be less helpfull when descibing an operation we have carried out where the reader is interested in what was in the mind of the person carrying out the proceedure as well as what the basic steps were.
Personal comments within a description add to the entertainment value as well as being informative. One of my favourites is a sentence by George Thomas when describing the adjustment to the engaugement of his headstock dividing head suggests that something of an active imagination is required in order to do this by feel. You can almost hear him say it with a sort of sardonic chuckle.
I am not in any way an expert on English but I do read prolifically. Personally then I feel that style trumps correctness. If you wish to clothe your piece in colloquial language or be more formal it's entirely your choice. I think it's best, particularly on these pages, to use your own voice as that will be more natural. If others don't like it then they can always rewrite it to their own satisfaction or indeed translate the whole thing into Latin.
Best regards Martin