Omar Kamm (Byline 'The Pedant' ) has an excellent review in The Times (Saturday May 20th 2017) of Sir Harold Evans's new Style Guide 'Do I Make Myself Clear?'
After highlighting numerous errors of style and fact the review concludes 'Thankfully I'm able, through this column, to let Evan's publishers (Little, Brown) know they haven't got away from it and that, even at this late stage, a sense of shame ought to persuade them to withdraw the book from sale.'
Sir Harold Evans was once editor of The Times and I would have expected him to know what he was talking about. Apparently not. Quite a few style guides don't cut the mustard even if the locals love 'em. For example, 'Strunk and White' doesn't go down well outside the USA.
In his review Mr Kamm may have put his finger on a fundamental problem when it comes to defining good style. He points out that whilst many of the books referenced in Mr Evan's bibliography are written by grammarians, none of them are by a linguist. As English has multiple roots many of it's grammatical rules have dubious foundations. In that situation linguistics can matter much more than grammar.
In writing I try my best to make sense. Reading my own efforts back a week or two later is painful. Quite often I find myself obscure, and being obscure is far more sinful than the odd split infinitive!
Edit. removed automatic smiley…
Edited By SillyOldDuffer on 29/05/2017 10:27:49