Spelling mistake – website instructions


Spelling mistake – website instructions

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  • #676662
    Speedy Builder5

      Spelling mistake – “Before posting please read teh Help/FAQs.”


        This mistake happens in many posts. Not sure if it is deliberate but probably is as it happens time and time again.

        Michael Gilligan
          On Oldiron Said:

          This mistake happens in many posts. Not sure if it is deliberate but probably is as it happens time and time again.


          Probably not:




            That’s probably down to me, fingers can’t keep up with brain.

            Even did it typing the above line with the space coming before the s

            Not something I can alter now as I no longer have the ability to alter forum headings, just glad I did all the rearranging on the old system



              Are you therefore unable to correct the grocer’s apostrophe in the title to this topic?


                I can edit the topic title but not sure what you mean by grocer’s apostrophe?

                I can also do reply titles but don’t have the access level to alter Forum Headings on this system.



                  Thanks for replying. I have only just found my way back here and confess I can’t immediately find the redundant apostrophe I was referring to.

                  It’s called a grocer’s apostrophe because of the prevalence in that trade of such signs as “Potatoe’s – 90p per KG”. Incidentally, I see that the forum spellchecker flags up the error in this particular form.

                  I realise that you and others have laboured long over the new software and am grateful for this.


                    … or should it be grocers’ apostrophe?




                      Yes – grocers’ would be better; there are a great many of them!

                      Michael Gilligan
                        On ega Said:

                        … there are a great many of them!

                        Perhaps 144

                        [ sorry, couldn’t resist that old pun ]




                          New to me and no doubt unintelligible to the young!

                          Michael Gilligan
                            … no doubt unintelligible to the young!

                            Possibly true … but rather disappointing

                            A simple Google search this morning produced:



                              On Michael Gilligan Said:

                              …<br class=”bsp-quote-title” />A simple Google search this morning produced:

                              Google’s reach never ceases to amaze me.

                              I recall that modern French for wholesaler is “grossiste” and, by the way, I have now found that apostrophe in the forum:

                              “Website Questions, Comments, and Suggestions

                              Post your questions, suggestions, and comments here regarding the website and it’s content.”

                              An easy mistake to make but, apparently, hard to fix.

                              Nigel Graham 2

                                At the moment a minor spelling error is perhaps not the most significant of the complaints about what “up-grading” has done to this august organ!

                                Anyway, following the rogue it is, what of that which I call the California Content? (In the same vein as the “Oxford Comma” perhaps …. Seattle might be nearer the mark geographically but lacks the alliteration. Oh, is there a Cambridge Full-Stop?)

                                I.e. I will be more content when I read that the posts on this Forum form its contents.


                                For years a small shop in Weymouth proudly advertised Eat’s . Shoots and leaves, mayhap? Oft remarked upon, so possibly a bit of free publicity as well as ridicule, it was corrected at last, only a few years ago.


                                  Considering the Grocer’s Apostrophe rule, which of these two is correct and why?

                                  1. Dot the is and cross the ts.
                                  2. Dot the i’s and cross the t’s.

                                  Everything I was taught at Grammar School is wrong!




                                    I heard a news item today along the lines of a road name sign change to ‘St Mary road’ from ‘St Mary’s road’ upsetting the residents. Both can be correct but in this case the later was how the road was named historically and is therefore the correct version in this instance.

                                    Grindstone Cowboy

                                      I knew a chap with a stall on Blackpool front with a sign advertising “Hot Baked Potateoes”. When the spelling error was pointed out to him, he said he knew, but wasn’t going to change it as he sold a lot of them to people who came up to tell him his sign was wrong.


                                        On Bazyle Said:


                                        I heard a news item today along the lines of a road name sign change to ‘St Mary road’ from ‘St Mary’s road’ upsetting the residents. Both can be correct but in this case the later was how the road was named historically and is therefore the correct version in this instance.

                                        Should that be “latter”? Which only goes to show how easy it is for a simple typo to slip through when it is grammatically correct and could make sense – but appears to be incorrect in this particular sentence. But I can’t talk – I live in a house called “Badgers Sett”. Or should that be “Badger’s” or “Badgers’ “? (Had to slip in an extra space just to show the apostrophe!) When I made a house nameplate I looked at the earliest document I had that referred to the property, a transfer document from the 1950s. It had all three spellings…

                                        So I just copied the spelling on an existing nameplate, which is also in agreement with the official Royal Mail database. I still think it is wrong. If there has been a badgers’ sett in the garden with occupants I could have asked them, but we have never seen a badger anywhere in the area!

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