Thanks Les, I am from Basildon, Essex, UK and bought the lathe from Whitstable, Kent where the previous owner had it from new (bought from Machine Mart) so all setup is 230V, motor is also 230V as it has a clear sticker on it saying 230V.
In terms of the motor running on lathe or off lathe it will arch in forward and run smooth in reverse. The fuse will blow even out of the lathe if I increase the speed control knob to more than 1/3 the speed as arching gets violent, it’s just that now that I know it will blow the fuse, I don’t do it hence on very low turn of the knob you can clearly see it start-stop etc. If you load it up by mounting in the lathe the arching will increase which I guess is normal behaviour under load, again only in forward when in reverse there is no arching even mounted on the lathe.
I haven’t got anyone around who will have a clue on this type of electrics, I am not new to motors and speed controllers as I fly large model helicopters which use 50V DC brushless 6-8KW motor and 100-150Acontroller but everything in that hobby is sealed, is usually a simple case of replace it when things go wrong. I would have done the same here but this doesn’t appear to be an robust system plus hurts putting money in something which I have never used at all, Its rather off putting to put money on something which looks to me like even if I fix this, it is going to happen again from reading all the cases on the net. Hence trying to chase see if I can fix it and learn from it and just use the lathe to learn on. my plan was to learn on this and get a better one in the future, definitely will be get something running on AC and mechanical pullies those seems a lot more robust than 230v DC controller stuff.
I actually have a no need for lathe as yet, just that I always wanted one and when one came up nearby on eBay I though let me give it a go plus it came with a lots of tools, guess it not the right time to start my machine shop adventure. Ebay is always if it sounds too good to be true thingy, sad part is it was only 100 quid cheaper than a new one and hurts even more that if I fix it now its going to cost me more than new one.
Thank you all for the help once again, I guess it’s time to move on and take it as a lesson, if anyone want a cheap lathe which is mechanically sound please let me know, it looks barely used by the paint work but hai who know I have already been done. I did DTI the chuck it which has a 10 micron run out which I think is mechanically very good and sound.
Or I may follow this thread
I have all the parts already as they all come model aircraft applications. Anyone tired this? Only things that puts me off this is by going 24V your amp draw increases massively and you need a massive power supply. I have one already got a monster 60A 24v supply but it makes the lathe less compact as PSU is almost ½ the size of the lathe
Edited By Savinay Bhari on 24/03/2015 12:59:10
Edited By Savinay Bhari on 24/03/2015 13:00:44