Hi Jon ,
I assume your board looks like this
the two yellow relays on the left , near the terminals
form part of the interlock circuit that forces you to start at minimum speed
one of the common faults is the two FET’s ( on the heatsink on the right )
go short circuit and the motor runs at full speed
with the mains supply disconnected
if you measure the resistance between the gate and source terminals on each FET
you should be 50k (50,000 ohms)(outer 2 terminals)
between the drain and source should be virtually open circuit –
more than 20 M ohm (20,000,000 ohms)
even with a faulty speed control potemtiometer ,
the maximum speed in reverse should be about half the forward speed
the speed control is special 5k linear potentiometer plus a single pole switch
that you have to buy form the likes of machine mart , arc euro trading etc.
while it looks like the on/off and volume control on a radio
the potentiometer is linear not logarithmic and the switch is closed when fully anticlock wise
not open !
a new board from machinemart will be quick , but expensive
if in stock arc euro trade for example will be less expensive
if you decide to replace the FET’s your self
you can use two 2SK790 , IRFP450 or STW20NK50Z FET’s
either from RS components . Rapid online etc or ebay
Edited By john swift 1 on 03/02/2011 00:05:55