My answer is not on petrol ic but i see no reason why they would not work.
On my Heli glow RC engine the lead ends in an appropriate size R clip.
Wire soldered to the long straight leg. It slides sideways onto one of the grooves in the glow plug end.
An other way i use is a single section of chock block. screw one end to the wire and one to the plug.
Not pretty but it works.
3rd suggestion piece of 6mm brass rod drilled one end to take the wire outer diameter. counter bore other end to 5.5mm. the at a suitable point cross drill a clearance hole for the plug end , one or both sides its up to you.
Make a top hat to fit the counter bore with a hole in the TOP end to solder the wire to . When soldering the wire built a pillow of solder on the flat end opposite the wire. Find a spring that fill fit over wire but in counter bore.
Fit the wire , spring, top hat assembly into the prepared rod pull back as tight as possible . Prep and solder the open end of the rod to close the end but leave the cross drill clear.
You then drop the assy over the plug end release the spring and ( usually ) get a good contact from the two pads of solder onto the plug,
Hope that gives you some food for thought.
Regards Clive