Went to look at a job offer today, the man is a friend of my dad real nice man. First thing I say was an old lathe in a corner covered with heavy dust and srcap of all kinds, very neglected. Took a step closer and idetified it right away, asked what he payed and where It came from: “from a university and it cost £455….is it good?”
Yes its a Weiler Condor!
I looked it over, a small chip was missing in the bed near the head stock, and he addmited to not securing it when moving it in so it had fallen over and the chip tray took a dent…the bed looked like it wasn´t worn alot, I tested the carriage by tightening the lock screw and sliding it back and forth. I know the ppl at the university in question are good mechanics so its probably been serviced once in a while too.