Gentlemen, If the reason for needing bronze is to avoid the issue of dezincification in models then the use of a bronze of unknown alloy but having been made to avoid this problem, having served it's time and shown NO sign of dezincification and now being scrap is better than starting with possibly less than pure ingredients and making an unproven alloy. In the context of marine waterpumps, most notably made by Jabsco I expect the alloy could be accertained if really needed. When for example making the bushes for a boiler, Bronze is specified, then the boiler inspector is going to expect a proper Cu/Sn alloy (gun metal) not some homemade alloy of unverifyable metal. It would be good grounds to refuse to test or pass the pressure vessel. If bronze is required for it's wearing properties, then how many 100s of thousnds of milles for the bearings ?
If you are unable to find bronze in the UK then you are looking in the wrong places. I would guess that with current metal prices you will be lucky to find scrap bronze for less than £5 a Kilo. There are several metal suppliers who will be happy to supply in ingot, but often with a minimum charge
Copper has an affinity for Oxygen and when molten will absorb it, only to give it up on solidifying – porosity. There are 2 ways to deal with this A) remove it before pouring or B) stop it being there in the first place. The use of crushed charcoal on top of the melt will keep it away in the first place. For A use deoxidising cartidges – which contain phosphorous. Silphos solder as it;s name implies contains silver.
As for pure metals, cornish tin ore was contaminated with arsenic, another metal ! And copper is often contaminated with small amounts of arsenic. Old lead, as in church roofs is purified as it contains silver, in amounts worth recovering.
At the level we are talking about here, the main thing is that the metal we use is of the right type for the job, not wether it's perfect !
For those who wish to cast copper or it's alloys I have a quantity of deoxidising cartridges PM me. Noel