Sorcing an AshPan and damper rod


Sorcing an AshPan and damper rod

Home Forums Traction engines Sorcing an AshPan and damper rod

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    Ryan Curnow
      Ryan Curnow

        Hi Guys

        I was wondering if any one know of any companies that could knock me up an ash pan and damper rod for my 3 inch traction engine?? I have the drawings but need one ASAP really and I dont have the tools needed to make one up.



        Sub Mandrel

          Lynx Model Works advertise in ME (and over there on the left) and say they will do most ME type jobs.


          Ryan Curnow

            Thanks Neil

            Have spoken to them and they will do it for me yes


              I have read on other forums that Lynx can take a very long time, like a couple of years to do a few bits on a loco!!


              Ryan Curnow

                Arrrgghhh No lol, Might have a go myself to be honest, I was quoted £200. But I am sure that if I got the metal from SJ Andrews and a welder it would cost less?

                Can be that hard to do, Can it?


                  You could probably silver solder teh ash pan, welding metal that thin without practice will result in melting holes rather than nicely welded seams.

                  What TE is it to fit?


                  Ryan Curnow

                    Its for a 3 inch plastow burrell, I have got the drawings but one one side the brackets are close together then the drawings.

                    How easy is silver soldering J?


                    Alan Redgrave

                      Hello guys—two things that might be of immense help to you }———— a) I am currently experiencing delivery problems with Lynx. Having paid £4,000 up front ("gentlemans agreement&quot by Visa Debit card 2.5 years ago for rods and valve gear on 2 locos in 5" gauge & despite cancelling part of that order to"ease the deadline" and putting back the final collecting date 3 times this year alone, I have still not received all of my order—–and that includes a visit to the works to-day that was booked over a month ago. I am still awaiting parts. That's a resume' of the situation to date. I feel I ought not to say any more as it might jeperdise any futher hope of seeing the order fullfilled. I am aged 62. Apparently there are others in a similar situation—– maybe they would like to contact me to share experiences.???—————— b) Why not braze your ashpan? Silver soldering will require a very close, accurate fit for the solder to "run" properly. Brazing ( Bronze welding) can be done with a lot less degree of accurate assembly and is better at heat dissipation and has a slight degree of flexibility. I have brazed all my ash pans to date. NO PROBLEMS encountered. Hope that helps ?? PS Ryan—-if you can fabricate the ashpan I can braze it for you —- NO CHARGE. I'm in Shropshire—–used to be self emlioyed –still have all the Oxy weld. etc. currently building a 5"g, 28xx (Swindon) and a 5"g GWR No 111 —wots that then ?? call me —tea and chokky bikkies included.

                      Alan Redgrave

                        Hi again——-Ryan, send a copy of your ashpan d drawings to Malcolm High at }—– Model Engineers Laser —— he can cut the flat plan for you then we can bend and braze. Simples. !!!!!!

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