Dave, I have no knowledge of electronics, and can’t help with your LED’s, but I have had some experience with triggering off camera flashes.
I bought a trigger kit from Hi-Viz in the USA back in about 2011, then decided my soldering skills were not good enough so it was left on a shelf. Then about 6 year back I had a few days at home due to a work related left hand injury. I decided to solder some electronic items, including assembling the trigger device, as self prescribed hand physio, a bit of a challenge with bandaged fingers!
I then went on to build a triple solenoid water drop device and controller, drawn up in KiCad and built on strip board. I took some pictures using this equipment, but then it got packed away before I fully utilised it’s potential. I think I also had a reliability issue, bad connection, or my dodgy soldering.
I think the trigger unit has been upgraded since 2011. Lots of info on this site Hi-Viz. Either sound or movement can be used as a trigger.
Low output settings of 1/64th or 1/128th (if available) = shorter flash times, so multiple units on low power may be better than just one on a higher setting. The Inverse Square Law applies to lighting, so if you move the light closer to the subject you get a lot more light on the subject, but a lot less spread of light.
Flash Durations
The Nikon SB24/25/26 flash units have a stroboscopic setting built in, and although very old in photography terms, are good units if you can find them on ebay etc. They also have a choice of sockets for cable connections, unlike most modern flash units which only have the-hot shoe or wireless. A hot-shoe connection block, with jack plug socket should be available.
This is a useful (old) book if you have any of the above units.
The SB 26 and the LumoPro LP160 have a built in slave light, so can be easily triggered by any nearby flash, (others may be available). “Pocket Wizards” were the modern wireless way to trigger a flash unit or units, but other cheaper makes are now available, from Godox and others.
Using an Opto-Isolator to connect a non-genuine/unknown flash unit, is a good idea due to the high voltages used on some older flash units, which could fry the innards of your expensive digital camera, (mechanical cameras didn’t have delicate electronics to fry).
Flash Voltages
I have some PDF files of the above circuits, I can PM them if you are interested, although they are 6 years old, and some are copyrighted.