I agree with JohnF, you can't swap individual chasers between sets. The arbitrary number on each die in a particular set is used in conjunction with a tapered jig to set the height of the cutting thread after the throat has been ground, like this:
![coventry chaser tapered rule.jpg coventry chaser tapered rule.jpg]()
I think this is required because the ground threads are not in exactly the same place axially from set to set.
Here are some grinding jigs. Those specific to one diehead, and specific to RH and LH dies, are to the left. Then some angled plates to set different throat angles. Then the generic jigs that cover both RH and LH and a range of diehead sizes. Finally some tapered measurement jigs:
![coventry die grinding jigs.jpg coventry die grinding jigs.jpg]()
Depending upon where the damaged threads are located it may be possible to rescue a set of dies. The throat can be ground a considerable way back, about half the width of the die before the dies become unusable. If that isn't clear, say so and I'll take a picture of a die so ground tomorrow.