I want to make an Arduino controlled LED strobe light (for serious workshop purposes, honest guv, nowt to do with Halloween) and I thought I could just buy an SSR rather than making an amplifier myself. Foolishly I clicked ‘buy now’ on this four channel device:
As shown it’s hooked up to 5V (DC+,DC-) .Off camera is another power supply set at 5V with a current limit of 1.0A connected to the red/black output terminals. When I touch the white wire to the CH1 trigger terminal (ie pulling it down) the relay conducts, the voltage on the other PSU drops to about 1V and the current limits at 1A. However the relay then latches closed – I have to remove the ‘load’ from the output to make it open again.
I’m sure that I’ve blundered – the blurb doesn’t make it clear, but I suspect the device is designed to switch an AC load and needs the output to cross zero before it changes state. Is that reasonable?
Another strange thing is that if I set the off-camera PSU to 6V or higher then ground the trigger terminal the onboard LED comes on indicating the relay has ‘closed’ but no current flows in the output circuit.
Any elucidation welcome!