Michael could well be right!
All I need from SE at this stage is a representation of a small spring of the type found in tape cassette player mechanisms. ‘nothing special, a hooked extension spring 5mm diameter about 15mm long fully extended in 1mm wire.’ In my application, the shorting bar on my Enigma project’s sockets, the load and movement are small. All the springs have to do is pull the shorting bar into contact across the sockets and stop the bar falling off! Not critical.
SE can design springs, but it calls for parameters I don’t understand. I suspect it may not be able to design small springs – I can only get big springs out of it!
Here’s an example that works with SE default inputs:
First the start conditions:

Second, the materials, a long list:

Third, the input parameters. These are SE defaults and work, note the spring is huge compared with what I want!

Pressing ‘Calculate’ produces a shower of numbers, and a PASS:

Pressing ‘Create’ generates the expected big spring:

My problem is, what inputs should I specify to get a small weak spring. And then, cos I like to understand if I can grasp it, what do the inputs mean? This attempt fails, and it doesn’t seem unreasonable to me.

Delighted to be told I’m doing something obviously daft! Not had anything to do with springs since Hooke’s Law over 50 years ago, when I was thinking about girls…