Slightly confused here.
You wish to solder using pure tin
( Lead free electrical solder is tin 97 % plus
With silver and copper…plus flux to suit
You wish to use low temp to protect the temper of the steel add ons
Now leaded based solder melts at a lower temp than lead free.
So if leaded solder( I have seen it used as tell tale for tempering) needs too much heat for your application ,the lead free or pure tin will be worse from the point of view of disturbing the temper.
There are special alloys that melt at less than even leaded solder…."magic metal" from memory..sold for PCB rework.. basically used to de-solder surface mount chips
This stuff is expensive but not silly
It's structural strength is unknown to me
Google "de-solder alloy"
Chip quick is one brand
Edited By jason udall on 13/12/2019 18:22:26