Disaster : As suggested above, the propane torch did not get the metal hot enough. I decided to start off with something small and easy : I tried to solder the piston rod to the piston and the cylinder to the the brass spacer as per the instruction. The flux did not turn to glass as advised, instead it turned pink. The solder would not melt when I touched the metal parts ; there is just not enough heat. I did end up with blobs of solder over many of the parts including the piston !
Oddly enough I cannot get the parts apart ! I know they are not soldered correctly as the solder did not run into the fluxed joins.
The propane torch kept flaming out when I pointed it downwards. Do they have to be kept in an upright position ?
With the equipment I have I might have to consider soft soldering the boiler. Can I use 15% silver plumbers solder from the hardware store for that ?
NOTE : The parts are sitting in a glass of citric acid now. I will post some photos later.
Edited By Brian John on 16/11/2014 05:00:12