Hi Martin,
Paste is sold in syringes or other containers that can be pressurized to expel the paste as required.
Paint is sold in small pots. To use, shake well and brush on. (See instructions on the tin!)
They are two totally different products. We need to be clear on what we have. Paste or paint
A fortune awaits he/she that simply adds soft solder powder to an aqueous solution of zinc chloride, shakes it well, and packs into syringes/pots. The world is their oyster!
But wait ….what keeps the powder in suspension and usable over time as a solder/flux combination?
What dries out of the paste or paint (soft or silver solder) is the organic binder that holds the two components together. It is immiscible with water.
Methylated spirit will only thin it and allow the solder to separate. Think gloss paint
If you want longevity from a solder paste or paint, keep it airtight in the first place.
I am sure there is some dried out paint in my shed. I've got some water, meths and a bit of paintwork that wants touching up around the house.
You wouldn't. Would you?