My first post here but I have been interested for several decades and over the years read most of LBSC's articles thanks to club library of MEs
Here is the K.N Harris formulae from his book on boiler making.
T=PxD/2t and P=2Txt/D
Where D = Internal diameter of shell in inches
Where T =thickness of shell in inches
Where P= working pressure in lb/inch squared
Where t= Maximum safe stress of material in lb/inch square
Copper is 25,000/8 where 8 is the safety factor [ so 25,000/8 ]
We assume that it is a silver soldered boiler … only Mamod and the like soft soldered as I understand it … not responsible Model Engineers.
I gather the Australasian limits for boilers not requiring testing is diameter up to 50mm, Working Pressure no more than 35 Lb/in and capacity of boiler less than one litre … there may be other limits I was not told about.
Hope this helps