So tired … tired of waiting …


So tired … tired of waiting …

Home Forums New Forum Software questions, comments and Test Threads So tired … tired of waiting …

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  • #746611
    Michael Gilligan

      On 10-May-2024 I received the following:

      Your message has been received. Someone will get back to you soon.

      Kind Regards,

      Model Engineer Team


      Bug: Embedded YouTube video is overlaid with white


      It is now 12-Aug-2024 and I have heard nothing more from them.


      However: Thanks to some guidance by Dave [Silly Old Duffer], I have since located what appears to be a clear statement by the author of the WordPress plug-in that causes the problem.

      The punch-line in that ^^^ is:

      Safari is very strict about the !important flag there.

      and I think that’s a pretty clear example of the risks associated with uncontrolled development of software.

      Much of the cost of properly compatible software comes from rigorous testing.



      P.S. __ the work-around, which I am delighted to see that Vic has adopted, is simply to post the Link to a YouTube video, in addition to embedding it.


        Were my mesages and copies of e-mails of no use?

        From Andy’s reply that I sent you the problem was as he said a combination of Safari and your cookie settings.

        He has also updated the FAQ to say cookies need to be enabled.

        “Looking at the post where the YouTube video hasn’t embedded, this appears to be because the URL has been hyperlinked.

        I’ve tested adding the URL with and without a hyperlink and the video auto-embeds when no link is in place and the URL is on it’s own line.

        For the second post – I think the embedded video didn’t load for them because they didn’t have cookies accepted or possibly down to their browser security, I’ve done some tests and it appears to be Safari where the embeds won’t show without any acceptance of cookies, this is for both Macs and iPads.

        There is a delay with the video coming up, this should be around 5-10secs while the rest of the page loads, on slower connections or devices this delay may be longer.

        My apologies on the bug reports, I did investigate at the time and thought I had replied, but something may have come up before I had managed to.

        I’ve updated the Help/FAQ section with the following:

        “Just paste the YouTube URL into your post reply on its own line and this will convert to an embedded video when your post goes live. The link must be on its own line with no other text and can’t be hyperlinked or it won’t auto-embed. You must accept cookies to see embedded videos.”

        Many Thanks,


        I’m also not sure about Duffers link as that is about images not embeded video failing to show which is the subject of your bug report

        Michael Gilligan

          Strange then …that if I look at a post in the Topic, I usually see something like this:



          But if I look at the same post in Vic’s Profile, I often see something like this:



          All rejectable cookies having been rejected.


          Which might suggest that there is intentional concealment of the YouTube images, rather than it being an unfortunate effect of cookies being blocked.


          Frankly, I don’t care … my post was mostly intended as ‘closure’ for my frustration.

          Please feel free to remove it if it causes offence.



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