Posted by Russell Eberhardt on 08/11/2021 16:29:39:
Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 08/11/2021 15:04:26:
As always with Nuclear, main cause of concern is the cost of decommissioning or having a catastrophic accident.
Small cost compared with destroying the planet by burning coal!
I agree. Unfortunately, burning fossil fuels has turned out to be extraordinarily dangerous too. It's unfortunate history that those building early nuclear powers stations lied and fudged about the cost of decommissioning. At a time when no-one understood global warming, only cost mattered. Nuclear energy was cheaper than coal provided you didn't worry about cleaning up.
Now it's understood the cost of cleaning up after coal is also horrendous, if it can be done at all. The actual cost/risk balance is better understood today, and I'd be surprised if Nuclear electricity wasn't a major player in future. Green electricity may be clean and cheap, but it's erratic and difficult to store. Something is needed to handle the base load (about 20GW in the UK) and nuclear looks to be the best option at the moment.
If something better turned up I'd dump nuclear in a blink. Human error is my worry: locating a nuclear power-station on the sea-shore in an earthquake zone vulnerable to tsunamis was bad decision, as was putting a new-boy martinet in charge of a foolish speed trial on a sensitive reactor with the safety procedures in a badly maintained mess.
Unqualified politicians may not be at the actual controls, but they can't keep their paws off budgets, deciding where stuff is built, who is put in overall charge, placing contracts and setting silly operating targets. Some are even paid to lobby for vested interests rather than represent the views of their electors.