Sorry to have confused people with my post. Over several years I have experimented with various ideas to obtain good quality castings which require a minimum of finishing when they arrive from the foundry.
Hopefully this explanation will make everything clear (if I am lucky) There are two distinct situations:
1. Lets say I get 30 or so prints delivered from the local guy that does my 3D prints. The purpose of these prints is solely so I can send them to the foundry for casting where they take the place of a conventional wax image. I have an ongoing problem with these prints with layer lines and defects and I get round this by applying a wax to cover the imperfections. This is time consuming and the purpose of my original post was to see if there is any alternative out there, such as an aerosol wax spray that I could use.
2. The second situation is that once I am satisfied that I have got the design right and there is a market for the product, I change from 3D prints to using a permanent mould. To do this I take one of the 3D prints, spray it with automotive spray filler, sand it smooth then send this pattern to the mould maker. The mould maker makes me an aluminium /epoxy mould which then goes to the foundry. The foundry prepare waxes from this mould and carry out the casting as per usual. I get far superior stainless castings by this route.
My experience so far with 3d printing is that it is brilliant for prototype work, allowing easy changes to be made without getting expensive moulds made that turn out to be not quite suitable, but so far I have not been able to get prints of a suitably good quality for volume production.
A further experience is that I have not been successful in using PLA for the 3D prints. This might well be due to lack of expertise by the foundry but I was getting too many incomplete castings. I now get my prints done in MOLDLAY which is, I think, an American product and of undisclosed composition. This gives much better results than PLA.
Jason: Thanks for the tip about wax treatments not being compatible with making the "tree" which is how the foundry do things. I agree that silicone moulds have their own advantages, including cost but the foundry I use won't use them. Sadly there are very few foundries in Australia that will do stainless castings by lost wax and even fewer that will take on small batches like mine.