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  • #58422
      Is it just me, or are the available smileys a bit limiting? Have a look at those available on ‘Practical Machinist’:
      Much more scope to express the good, the bad and the ugly.
      I wonder if anything can be done about this?
          Well Andrew
          Sorry to be a grumpy old git but I find “limiting” for Smileys very good. In fact a total elimination of Smileys from the typeface of the planet would, in my view , be a great service to humanity, ( i.e I don’t like ’em!) – give me “Grumpies” any time.!!

          Edited By NJH on 08/11/2010 16:18:25

          Edited By NJH on 08/11/2010 16:19:00

          Richard Parsons
            NJH Agreed! I make Victor Melrose seem a positive Happy Bunny.
              Hear, hear. There are a couple of American ME-related sites I visit that are lively and enjoyable but the infantile misuse of smileys there drives me nuts.
              Martin W
                I’m old, grumpy and fed up with the way that the world and some of its occupants are heading but I quite like Smileys if used in moderation. They allow one to qualify a comment without resorting to a long winded bit of text explaining that this is your view and should be taken with a pinch of salt etc. . If used sparingly as punctuation then fine by me.
                As for Mr Meldrew he is a rank amateur when it come to grumpiness, just ask my SWMBO what happens when I get on my soapbox.
                Have fun and let the world go round. I can see this thread developing on the same lines as the Imperial v Metric Measurement thread as the ‘fors and againsts’ take their relative stands , oops another one slipped in somehow!
                Enjoy and do what you want.
                Keith Wardill 1

                  Alll a bit odd – why are people so proud of being grumpy old gits? – I think Martin W has a good point about ‘Smiley Qualification’ .

                    I knew I wasn’t grumpy enough to be a professional machinist, but apparently I’m not grumpy enough to be a model engineer either. Ah well, might as well sell up the workshop and find another hobby, anybody for tennis? And no, I’m not going to add a smiley to indicate if I’m being tongue in cheek, or serious.
                    I’m with Martin and Keitth. Smileys are often overdone, but used sparingly they can add to the message. I still think that the available smileys are limited.
                      Good  – Oh then Andrew – got any nice kit going cheap then (apart from the budgie of course).?
                      I would hate to make anyone sad so, in the interests of spreading universal joy, I will try to love Smileys . 
                      I guess that if I have a reputation it’s probably for levity rather than grumpyness – although my wife might disagree with that. Having spent many working years wearing sober suits and pulling serious expressions I now try  to do neither.
                      I WILL  try harder  Long live the Smiley, long live the Smiley , long ………….etc etc
                      Enough stupidity  for today!
                      – All the best –   Norman
                        Nothing going cheep, but I do have a dead parrot for sale, bought as seen, no refunds……
                        Whether my kit is nice, or not, is probably a matter of opinion. But we can say it’s a weighty issue, no point in turning up with a transit van, most of my stuff would go straight through the floor, even if it went in.
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