As the Sabel is basically an improved, better built clone of the SouthBend 9" its easy to get a bit muddled up with model designations.
South Bends came in three versions model A with threading gearbox and power feeds, model B with power feeds change wheels for threading and model C with only plain hand feed and change wheels. Boxford were also clones and used the same model A-B-C identification system.
The Smart & Brown equivalents are SABEL with threading gearbox and power feeds, SAB with power feeds and change wheels for threading and S with only plain hand feed and change wheels.
So its an easy, and understandable, mistake to think Sable model A rather than the correct SABEL.
Which matters only because, as Old Mart says the Smart & Brown model A is very different being a true toolroom lathe and a much heftier beast. Although of similar capacity.