I told myself I was only going to clean it and give it a lick of paint, but the Sabel is now in a hundred pieces in the process of being stripped and cleaned.
The spindle is not too bad, but the rear (smaller) bearing has had some bit of rubbish in there at some point and has a score line along with the spindle. Do I just need to stone it, or leave it alone now?

I have to do the saddle and gearbox. The bed was cleaned tonight. Loads of bits.
Is it worth replacing the rear thrust bearing? I seems fine to me.
Lastly, anyone know of a source for the oiler felt? Mine has definitely seen better days. Lots of the oil ways were pretty blocked, so I think this strip down was worth the trouble – mind you, I've not finished yet.

Oh, and I still cannot budge those stupid hammer-in rivets. Bah.