I bought one of these about a year ago. Great thing about Aldi/Lidl is if you miss something it comes around in perennial fashion 12 months later.
The great thing about the vice is in winter when the workshop’s cold it can be suction fixed to a laminate surfac in the kitchen for holding those awkward jobs of household maintenance where a third hand is needed or an awkward angle. You can then work away in the warm. AS a general purpose small vice its not at all bad altho I expect someone will post to point out that its not top engineering quality and won’t hold an engine block . Poor value then for 6 quid.
I can’t believe the resolution of the caliper however. Anyone bought one and can confirm whether it really resolves to 0.001 inch ? Probably irrelevant anyway as at that price it can hardly have that degree of precision. Still not a bad bargain though, the engineering houses sell these low end models for about double this.
Edited By alan frost on 12/02/2012 20:37:30