I've decided to build a small platform trolley that I've had four wheels for, for some time. I started on the frame the size of which was largely dependent on a length of 2.5mm pressing that was a test bend for a job I did at work and rather than putting in the scrap was allowed to bring it home. I have few shorter ones that I've been able to collect. The photo below shows the frame the wheels and two cross bearers that are from an old reclinig chair that I scrapped a few years ago.
Earlier in the week I rolled an offcut of 2.5mm sheet steel at work when I left off. It was made to fit a 3mm thick disc that I gas cut out of a job I did at work several weeks ago and which I keep in my "might be usfull" zone. It will form the upper part of the turntable for the steering of the front wheels.
Two other bits of my old reclining chair were cut and another flange was pessed on the opposite side of the existing one to form two channels. These will be attached to the underside of the lower part of the turntable and will extend forwards for the towing handle to be attached to.
Last evening I marked out the lower part of the turntable on a piece of 2mm sheet steel, which will also have the front wheels mounted on it, and today I took it to work to guillotine it to the outside edges and this evening when I got home from work I cut all the other edges, that could not be done on the guillotine, with a 115mm thin cutting disc.
It is now ready for pressing into shape, which I hope to do on my fly press when I get home from work later on today.
Regards Nick.
Edited By Nicholas Farr on 05/12/2013 00:06:06