One thing you must remember when working to a budget, you MUST allow for tooling.
A half decent vice, cutter holder set and cutters will most probably swallow up between £150 to £200. So at least that amount has to be added.
Skimp on the first two by buying cheap tat, and you won’t get the best out of the machine you are about to buy.
Unlike a lathe, where a few HSS cutting tools will keep you happy for ages, when it comes to a milling machine, the list is almost endless, just for basic necessary tooling.
The first bits I have mentioned, but to make life a little easier, a set of say 1/8″ (or 3mm) parallels, a simple edge finder, a set of table clamps (for those jobs that won’t fit into the vice) and maybe a cheap set of flycutters are the basic essentials to keep you going for any length of time, until you can afford to buy more complicated and expensive tooling.
So really, you are looking at around £300 over and above the cost of the machine.
You could save yourself a bit of money by making the belt drive yourself, there are a few designs and builds which have already been shown on other sites.
So I would suggest you price up everything first and maybe wait another few months until you can afford to get it all at the same time.
If you shop about, and can call in personally, sometimes you can get good discounts on tooling if you buy it with the machine. It all helps to keep costs down.