Art Fenerty of Mach3 and Gearotic fame has brought a new module out for Gearotic.
Because there is a limitation on how small a gear you can cut due the the size of the cutter another way was needed to generate small gears,
As an example for a 32 DP 40 tooth gear, common on small model IC engines you need a 28 thou cutter, if you drop down to 48 DP you need a 19 thou cutter.
Not impossible but probably expensive and time consuming.
The new module adds Tool Wizard in which you specify a round blank and various hocus pocus like cutter used feed rates etc and it mills a flat on the blank, then rotates it 180 and mills a second flat.
It then tilts to a desired angle, 9 degrees is default and the side of the cutter profiles the tooth space.
This 9 degrees will give the necessary clearance for the cutter once hardened.
So basically what you get is a spade bit with two cutting edges.

This isn’t one cut with Gearotic but it’s similar to what you will get but a bit more accurate than the hand ground one.
You will be able to make the exact cutter you need for the size and tooth count of the gear, no 21 to 25 teeth banding, basically an end mill for every size.
Hope to show some finished blanks later.
John S.