Hi there, all,
As has been said on other threads, scrap metal dealers nowadays seem reluctant to let us 'browse' through their yards.
Slightly off-topic: Some years ago, my next door neighbours inherited a player piano but couldn't find anyone to take their old upright piano (to play). So I volunteered to 'constructively dismantle' it. It had a cast iron frame on a wooden sub-frame. The cast iron machines beautifully and I still have a few pieces in-stock. (Its cross section would lend itself to being made into an engineer's level.) The board with the tuning pegs was beech and now forms the front apron on my carpentry bench and the front jaw of the carpentry vice. The wooden sub-frame was 4" x 3" white pine with not a knot anywhere; I managed to keep that out of the rain for 30-odd years (and three house moves) but recently gave it away to an acquaintance who makes guitars.
Now for a question – I have a substantial block of cast iron (60 mm x 60 mm x 90 mm) that I need to reduce and 'rough-out' before I start to machine it. The only bandsaw to which I have access is an old Burgess. What do members here think of my chances that the Burgess will cope with such a job and what sort of blade should I be looking for?
Best regards,
Swarf, Mostly!
Edited By Swarf, Mostly! on 20/04/2013 15:50:54