"There's got to be more to your problem than 0.6mm end float in the nut to account for a whole turn of the wheel to take up the backlash."
One mm is 1.5 turns iirc so that 0.6mm talks directly to the drive.
This afternoon, I took a 1.5mm copper strip and beat it out to around '.6mm and cut out a D shaped washer / shim. With a bit of persuasion, I got it down in the slot with the nut and it's pretty rigidly home. That seems to have taken care of the backlash for the moment. Time will tell if the copper will creep; it was work hardened after the final annealing and bashing sequence and there is no deliberate movement in there (not any more there isn't). As no one has suggested a possible problem I will leave it in there and see how it goes.
Like / dislike / informative / skeptica / glooml etc etc buttons are all available choices and the designer should consult with users and tell 'em what he's going to do.
The need to have an album for your images is crazy; that (in the same way that the lack of a like) leads to more effort and confusion. The software was clearly designed a long time ago and many of its features show it. Strange that members are pleased to accept useful new machine technology but are shy of making use of good innovations in the IT direction.
There are so many helpful and knowledgeable members on the forum that I don't let it bother me too much.
"Old??" I wonder what the average age of members is. I am up there with most of you. I suspect – but I did start using computers some while before Personal Computing was available so I refuse to le IIT intimidate me when I need to use it and I do appreciate applications that are done properly.
Already, I have found places in this thread which would have suited a 'like' but not a full reply.
Edited By andrew lyner on 01/10/2021 20:20:42