This site does my head in
This is the fourth time I’ve tried replying to this thread.
Lets try again
Neil Antony Mount did a very nice model of this engine that you can buy a casting kit for from polly models.
As I’m a tight wad I’m going to use bar stock.
I’ve just bought some PTFE for the piston I’m hoping I can get the fit close enough to give a good seal failing that I’ll use steel with a groove arround the rim of the piston filled with o ring cord or graphite packing, I’ll just have to see how it goes.
I’m not that quick Jason
the drawing you saw was just the front veiw, what with Christmas I’ve only just got the side veiw and everything dimensioned up ( I did post the side veiw but for some reason its not showing)
Today I got the cylinder squared up, and I’;; start to chew the rest of it out tomorrow not quite sure how but these things have an habbit to sort themselves out once you start.