I am using ViaCad Pro 8 and have 7 as well.
This CAD is produced by PunchCAD. You get consumerCAD: the standard and the Pro, Then you get professional: the Shark lite and Professional.
I am using this now for more than two years and will recommend it to anybody. The learning curve with the video tutorials build in, is reletive easy. Thereafter it is easy to figure things out (for a person not used to 3D CAD) and the forums also give very good assistance.
Th program may be small, compare to industry giants but for what I do, I could not get better. I design everything myself in real size befor I try and in different colours. It is then so easy to see if it will work or not.
Once I have bought ViaCAD 7 Pro, the upgrade to 8 was only half the price. I cannot wait for 9 to come out. Money well spend. 9 onwards will be full 64 bit and 32 bit, but 8 and earlier is 32 bit, but functions perfectly in both Win 7 and 8, and 64 bit.
The program imports other format relative well. When I design for example a Belt sander, I import the elctrical motor and the pillow block bearings and maybe some of the grub screws. No need to redesign everything from scratch. I recently had to draw a 12 inch bicycle wheel for a hand pushed hoe. I imported it perfectly.
Edited By Johan Crous on 19/12/2013 10:12:18