Posted by Stuart Smith 5 on 18/01/2023 00:02:19:
I recently bought a cheap 3018 CNC router. After looking at various suggestions on this site and others I have used Eagle, Flatcam and Candle to make my first small pcb using this method. It took a bit of experimenting but came out ok. I used the Heightmap feature in Candle which seemed to work ok.
Edited By Stuart Smith 5 on 18/01/2023 00:09:08
That looks like a pretty good PCB.
I want to build a PCB router because the build is also a tryout for the steel milling router that I am going to build. It also gives me the option to optimise the outside dimensions.
Aligning a router starts by using the adjustment options (play) in the construction. After that, milling the table is a good option to get things right. If you use a (wooden) spoil board, you can also just mill the top of the spoil board.
Edited By Huub on 18/01/2023 12:02:13
Edited By Huub on 18/01/2023 12:02:37